Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rain..Rain...What can I say....?

How mystic the irrigation water looks on this crop outside of town. Its a dreary misting day and yet the farmer still has his irrigation system on. Its been misting and raining all week. And as most farmers have postponed their irrigation during our temporary bad weather it seems this forgetful farmer has been hiding from the bad weather inside a little to much. I am glad he forgot as it gave me the opportunity to snap this interesting photo.

1 comment:

  1. How can one picture be both wonderful and sad at the same time? To see such natural talent behind the lens, freezing time with just a click... Wonderful! Yet, sometimes what is caught by such talent is heartbreaking and moving simultaneously. You see, for what was once my everyday has become a distant past, a fading memory if you will. To see the world and time as you have captured it takes me to a place I thought I would never find again. A place where happiness is… a place where love is… a place where laughter is…

    Such a place does exist… not in my world, but looking through your lens.

    Thank you for providing hope with every “click”
